8 Man Crew

8 Man Crew
The Inaugural Intermediate Western Region Umpire Crew

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First Half Almost Done

I haven't posted in a bit because, well, baseball season is chugging along as it usually does.  I'm having a blast but I am making sure to spend more time with my family during it -- like I haven't umpired the last 2 Saturdays because I spent time with my wife the first and the second I took my daughter to go see her school play of the Wizard of Oz.
That being said, I have my pin ordered.  I'll post a picture of it when I get them, which should be about a month from now.  I'm not sure how many people will get it at the Regional tournament but those that do will probably love it.  I love it.  It is a play off of umpires being evil -- the character being the most evil being in the Doctor Who universe.  I really like them, although I could only get 150 right now.  I think it would be cool to get more in the future without some of the verbiage and then in different colors, like skittles.
This Saturday I get to umpire at Western Regions!  Ok, it is Alta Loma Little League games played at the Western Region complex but IT'S AT WESTERN REGIONS!  During our last board meeting, someone asked why we were going to play games up there, like it was a bad idea and going to hurt snack bar sales (which it will.)  I replied, "Because it's cool!"  She asked again later.  I replied, "BECAUSE IT'S COOL!"  Again, she asked later.  Again, I said, "You have to understand this:  This is like Little League heaven.  World Champions have played on this field.  IT IS COOL!"  I mean, look, Steve Bailey umpired on this field so it has to be cool.  So I am doing the plate at 8:45 am for a minor game, then going home, coached my son's team at 11:45 am, going back up and doing the bases at 3:15, plate at 5:25 and bases at 7:35 pm.  4 games in one day umpiring, 1 coaching back at home.  It is going to be a blast!  Make sure my umpiring legs are back.
I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about this, I just haven't had a lot to share yet.
July is coming soon. I hope I hear from District 55 soon so I can start preparing.